

About Me

Hi there. I'm Vince and I'm a Frontend Developer with nearly 3 years of experience in web development. I have graduated from Ho Chi MinhΒ City University of Technology and Education with a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology.

I'm familiar with React, Nextjs and Svelte. I've experience make the design more interactive, lively and user-friendly with animations. I'm passionate about learning new things and I'm always looking for new challenges.

This drive to continually improve and learn new things will serve me well in your career. 🏸 Β· β˜„

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new"

- Albert Einstein -

My resume at here.

Some tools I can use:

  • Figma
  • Adobe XD
  • Photoshop
  • Git
  • VS Code
my photo

Discover My CV

I am always open to new opportunities. Please feel free to view or download my CV and contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss a potential collaboration.

Contact me


  1. University of Information Technology - VNUHCM

    University of Information Technology - VNUHCM


    Website: University of Information Technology - VNUHCM

    • Major: Information System (Regular Program)
    • GPA: 8.22/10


  1. Front-end Engineer at YouNet Social

    YouNet Social

    Metafox Customization

    • Join add feature and custom metafox UI web app for customer requirement
    • Integrate with third party library like Cometchat.

    Consensys Marketing Team

    • Join Consensys marketing team to develop and maintain some marketing website like consensys.io, linea.build, metamask.io, learn.metamask.io, phosphor.xyz
    • Working closely with designers to ensure the correct implementation of UI components, layouts and visuals.
    • Design content CMS structure to minimize the effort of content management and easy for non-technical users can manage the content.
    • Integrate with Contentful CMS to manage and preview the content of the website.
    • Setup source and building reusable code and more options to make the website more flexible and easy to create new pages.
    • Fixing bugs, upgrading packages, upgrade framework and libraries to keep the website up to date.
    • Troubleshooting layout and functional issues across multiple browsers and devices.
    • Contributing to the make the website more alive and interactive by using gsap, spline animation.
    • Improve SEO, accessibility, light house score and google page speed score to optimize the website performance.
    • Write script to migrate over 1000 blogs and 150 pages from wordpress to Contentful CMS.
    • Working with Google App Script to fetch, compare, display report and update changes to Connerstone
    • Integrate website with third party library like GG Tag, accessiBe, usabilla, hubspot
    • Write unit test and storybook for the components to ensure the quality of the code and check the changes before deploying.
  2. Associate Professional Programmer at DXC Technology

    DXC Technology
    • Convert design Adobe XD to HTML, CSS using Material-UI, styled-components
    • Implement i18n for multilingual a website
    • Write reusable components in Storybook and use them on website
    • Write unit test for component by jest
    • Maintain features, fix bugs and improve code quality
    • Build pagination for list data
    • Integrate API
    • Implement CRUD page, CRUD configuration, turn on/off features by Azure configuration
    • Working in Agile/Scrum
    • Join the demo after completing the function
  3. Intern .Net Developer at DXC Technology

    DXC Technology
    • Trained in HTML, CSS, JS
    • Learn about ASP.NET, WebAPI, MVC design pattern
    • Get acquainted with Angular 9
    • Practice exercise

Pet Projects

  1. Alephzero CloneLatest

    Aleph Zero
  2. Gate.io Clone

    Gate.io Clone
  3. Musify Music App

  4. Movit Movie Website

  5. Owlet Blog - Graduate Thesis

    Build a forum website for sharing articles and using full-text search

  6. Pho Oc Chu Nam

  7. Lovi App

    Build social mobile app with React Native

    Lovi App
  8. Meow Shop

    Build a website fashion (with admin page) by ASP.NET

    Meow Shop

Contact me